Monday, February 13, 2012


The other day as me and my little girl were driving in the car I asked her if she had something and she said "check"! She constantly makes me laugh when she says things I have never heard her say before. This was a proud mommy moment for me as I am hoping that this is a sign that she is a list maker like her mama. I love making lists and crossing things off as I accomplish them, actually it is the only way I think that I can stay sane! This last week we have been able to check two big things off of our foster care checklist:
home inspection passed-CHECK!
family interviews done- CHECK!
Tonight is our last PS-MAPP class, I am excited to be done but at the same time I have learned so much and hope to be able to continue some of the friendships we have formed throughout this process. The biggest thing for me was realizing that my experiences as a child have prepared me in so many ways to  become a foster mom. I am grateful for the trials I have had if that means it has made me a better mom. It is crazy to think that in about a month we will be answering a phone call that will change the rest of our lives!

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