Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Last night was our first official orientation class. Randy and I were both really impressed with the agency, they seem to go above and beyond for these kids. We were told that the need for foster homes has never been greater than right now. In July they had 6 babies that had to stay a weekend with case managers because they didn't have any available homes for them and the shelters are full too. Apparently that has never happened before, especially finding homes for the little ones. The instructor even related an experience just last month I think where a foster family's license came through and they had a placement that same night. I am excited to welcome a little one to our home but sad for the trauma that these precious kids have had to experience to end up in foster care. The reality is there though and these sweet ones need a safe, loving place to be. I don't think I learned anything new just yet, I have spent countless hours online visiting other foster moms blogs, reading through our state requirements and visiting agency after agency's websites so I have a good idea of what to expect but it was all new to my husband. I am so grateful that he is fully committing to this with me. He is already talking about all the things he will need to take care of for the home inspection. Training classes don't start until Nov. 7th but we should be getting a call from someone at the agency that will come out to the house to talk with us. Every time the phone rings I jump a little, I am just so ready to get started. I can only imagine how it will be once we are licensed and are anticipating that first placement call! Now that we have started this process it almost feels like we are expecting another baby. I am probably getting ahead of myself but I am a list maker and can't help writing down everything we might need for a new little one. I hope that these next 4-6 months pass really quickly and hopefully, fingers crossed, all will go smoothly for us.

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