Thursday, March 15, 2012


We have been licensed for a week now, I thought by now we would have our first placement but I am learning patience! All week I have been waiting for the phone to ring, a placement coordinator from our agency needs to come out to our house before we are put on the official list of open homes. By Wednesday I still hadn't heard anything so decided to send a friendly little email to the licensing specialist to let her know we hadn't been contacted yet. My husband always says the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I don't want to be a pain in the rear but I truly just can't sit here and not know whats going on. As long as I know the status of things I seem to be able to move on. I really have no problem waiting, I know we are not the only ones who are, I just want to know that our file is not sitting there collecting dust! Later that evening our licensing specialist was kind enough to email me back. Apparently there has been some turnover at the agency and the person who was assigned our file felt overwhelmed and quit. Not because of us, just the work in general! We were being assigned an interim specialist and she would be contacting us. So we wait some more. Today I finally got the call I have been waiting for and the placement coordinator will be coming out next Tuesday afternoon. All in all the timing has probably been a good thing. It is spring break here and all 7 of my crazy kiddos are home from school. Had we taken our first placement this week it may have been a little overwhelming. I will be able to get my house back in order Monday when the kids are gone and life returns to normal. I am all about schedules here! I am so ready for the crazy excitement that that first call will bring!

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